Wednesday, January 24, 2007


stain we trust

Other than Interpol, Arcade Fire or Modest Mouse.
The 2007 album is
"Sadness in spades."

Friday, January 19, 2007

Spandex Disco Jeans Forums

Free Kareem! Small

On OnanRecords this morning I heard a bad story.
That of a young Egyptian Abdelkareem Solimon that risks from 3 to 7 years in prison
because in his blog have criticized the Egyptian government on issues such as women's rights, religious freedom, etc. .

As it is written on the site in his defense, Kareem had been arrested in early 2006, after it was first expelled
University, again because of things he had written in his blog, but then was released.

Now the situation is more serious and will be tried on January 25.

on this site is petition to release him, to sign and spread .

I agree with Onan
when he says that it did not quite understand why this news is not turned into the world of blogghers.

start now.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Cover Letter For Dental Hygiene Graduate

Urban Gems # 4

Races in difficulty, we reverse the trend by next weekend.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Fever Brown Smelly Urine

American Hardcore

Leaving aside the dreams of it projected in Italian cinemas,
I wonder if and when it comes out an Italian version of "American Hardcore".
Come on I think so, at least subtitled, which also prefer more dubbing.

"American Hardcore" is a documentary by Paul Rachman on the U.S. hardcore scene of the early '80s, going through birth-growth-decline, since 1980 86.
And then we'll live, interviews and stories of the protagonists of that scene
[for me one of the best and most underrated]
Minor Threat, SSD, Poison Idea, Circle Jerks, Black Flag ...
actions of people like Ian McKay, Flea of \u200b\u200bRed Hot [who played in Fear at the time],
Henry Rollins and so on and so forth.

The film is based on the book by Steven Blush
"American Hardcore: A Tribal History"
and was presented at the Sundance Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival.
For now, the soundtrack was released on Rhino Records on Djangos to about € 10.

I leave the trailer , fantastic when you can see the logos of the teams on the map the States.

and a couple of mp3.

Minor Threat - Filler
Bad Brains - Pay to Cum